Alabama Shipyard wins contract to service Army’s largest dredge ship

Alabama Shipyard LLC, based in Mobile, was awarded an $11.5 million contract to drydock and repair the Dredge Wheeler, which is the largest dredge ship operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

The Wheeler keeps waterway channels clear from Key West, Florida, to Brownsville, Texas. Although the dredge is maintained in a state of readiness for worldwide operations, it spends the majority of its time operating in the Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River, dealing with shoaling problems that occur during high and low water, according to the Corps.

The Wheeler is staffed with 38 civil service mariners. When underway, the dredge operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Every 14 days it docks for fuel, supplies, water and engine maintenance.

In compliance with legislation, the dredge is kept in a Ready Reserve status, capable of responding to an urgent dredging requirement within three days, according to Army materials.

Periodic Readiness Exercises throughout the year keep the crew and equipment prepared for these contingencies.

The ship work is among the latest contract bids won by Alabama Shipyard.

Among the more notable, the Department of Defense in May announced the company had won a $30 million deal for shipyard availability and the routine overhaul and dry dock for the Military Sealift Command’s hospital ship, USNS Comfort, which is still docked at the shipyard.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans, Louisiana, is the contracting agency for the Wheeler contract.


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